Telema MatchFlow interface
Telema MatchFlow simplifies the processing of purchase invoices and saves the working time of accountants, invoice verifiers and approvers.
Telema’s MatchFlow interface automates the control of purchase invoices related to orders, enabling the transmission of order and receipt information as an input for MatchFlow comparison and automatically entering approved purchase invoices into the financial software.
Telema MatchFlow automatically compares different purchase documents (3-way matching):
- Invoice
- Purchase order
- Acceptance confirmation
and highlights inconsistencies, so the user no longer has to manually search for differences.

Invoices without distinctions can be processed automatically, without human intervention:
– In the Telema environment, undifferentiated invoices can be automatically transferred to the financial software.
– The interface enables automatic entry of purchase invoices related to orders in Axapta/D365.

Telema’s MatchFlow solution is primarily aimed at companies that maintain a warehouse and where the ordering and receiving processes are in place and the volume of purchase orders is sufficient (from approx. 2,000 purchase invoices related to orders per year).
When using purchase orders, the purchase invoice is compared to the purchase order and receipt to ensure that the item or service billed is what was ordered, billed at the agreed price and in the correct quantity.
Upon receipt of the supplier’s invoice, the accountant checks:
– is the correct product on the invoice,
– does the product have the correct price that corresponds to the purchase order,
-whether the receipt has been created and whether the correct quantity has been received.
If the accountant detects a non-conformity, he refers the non-conformity to the buyer for resolution. It is possible that:
– the price is changed on the purchase order,
-the quantity received in the warehouse is checked (the previous reception is canceled and a new one is made or an additional reception is made),
– the supplier credits the invoice and issues a new invoice.
In this case, the invoice validation process must be repeated from the beginning.
As a rule, the comparison is very routine and time-consuming, because each invoice has to be compared line by line with the purchase order and receipt in ERP. In the event of discrepancies, the bill must be directed to the correct person’s desk, wait for a solution, and then re-do the comparison.
With the MatchFlow solution, the checks mentioned above (invoice, purchase order, receipt) are done automatically, and a person does not have to properly confirm the invoices. The accountant and the buyer can only deal with invoices with identified difference(s).
The time spent on processing invoices is reduced – all invoice lines with differences are identified immediately, and accountants and buyers can deal more efficiently with the resolution of identified discrepancies.
-Enables accepting only machine-readable e-invoices;
-Data moves from machine to machine without the possibility to manually add information to them;
-The sender and receiver of the invoice must both be EDI registered.
-Allows you to receive both PDF and e-invoices;
-It is possible to manually add additional information to the invoice (e.g. project, purchase order number, attachment, comment, etc.);
– It is enough if only the recipient of the invoice has joined matchFlow.
MatchFlow implementation benefits
With the MatchFlow solution, companies can automate the time-consuming and routine process of processing purchase invoices.
- All purchase invoices (expense and goods invoices) are processed and archived in one place.
- Uniform and systematic control of purchase invoices. All purchase invoices are checked according to the same rules.
- When the invoice arrives, a compliance check is automatically performed with both the purchase order and the receipt of the goods.
- The procedure for purchase invoices that correspond 100% to the purchase order will be automated.
- The time required to resolve non-conformances is reduced.
- Routine work does not pile up – the process is under control during vacations and when new people join.
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