- Compared to last week’s competitor’s event, you smashed the scale!
- Everything can be put into numbers and measured, including the gut feeling, or rather its validity.
- It remained unclear whether there are people who do things that others don’t want to do, or whether they are people who make the impossible possible. Always think outside the box!
- If we do something together – create and develop together, take responsibility and reap the fruits together, that is a community. But a successful and happy community is united by one more thing – faith and conviction that the right thing is being done. B2Community is the future!
These are just a few thoughts from the feedback from the visitors of 3rd Inspiration Day. It seems that the majority were satisfied. At least we are, because seeing happy and satisfied people at your event, who spontaneously laugh and shout in a non-Estonian way, is a real pleasure. Thank you!

For those who haven’t made it to the first three days of inspiration, I’ll do a little behind-the-scenes review – why, for whom and how? Just to make sure that you´d be there on the 4th.
In a changing world those who win, step together with the world, go a bit faster than the world. Gets ahead of the world, knows how to anticipate the problems, the questions, the solutions that life throws at him. – Lennart Meri
Inspiration is an unconscious and sudden flash of creativity that is more associated with the creative activities of artistic people. If artistic people are inspired by nature, folk ways, social processes, etc., or in a broader sense, life itself, the question remains how to inspire leaders – people on whom the fortunes and future of a company or organization depend, as well as the lives or livelihoods of tens or hundreds of people? It is great to say that we are replacing nature or society, but that is exactly the purpose of the Inspiration Day – to give leaders lighter and stronger nudges to become smarter, more innovative and more creative. In everything you must deal with in life. Be it managing people or customer relations, developing the organization or yourself, etc.
The subtitles of the first three days of inspiration have been: “smart city”; “a wise person”; “smart leader” always related to “smart company” and “smart world”. To move faster than the rest of the world, you need smartness and grit, because innovation is not just new ideas, but their implementation. Managing change is an art, and next to life itself, the best inspiration is another person – a “leader like me”, who is plagued by the same hesitations and doubts, but who has turned dreams into reality and the impossible into possible. Even if we don’t want to become the next Kaarel Otsa, Ursel Velve or Hando Sutter, there is something to be learned from their experience, not to mention the charm that shines against all our inspirations..
2% and 1% Club
The Estonian Confederation of Employers launched the 2% Club, i.e. community development managers and entrepreneurs who invest 2% of their company’s turnover annually in research and development activities. President Kersti Kaljulaid and the chairwoman of the Council of the Central Association of Employers, Kai Realo, signed the agreement to establish the 2% club already in March 2021, with the aim of popularizing research and development activities among entrepreneurs through examples, success stories and ideas.
Inspired by this, we wrote down the idea to make our Inspiration Day community a 1% club. Numerically twice smaller 🙂 , but the idea is just as fast.
Come and let’s create a community that really dedicates at least 1% of its time to making sense of innovation. What are my goals, opportunities, ideas that need to be brought to life and implemented in the future?
Even if this club is not formally born and one day the days of inspiration have lost their novelty, I dare to quote Erasmus from Rotterdam here: “Learn something. If luck should suddenly turn its back on you, knowledge will not leave before life.”
And now, not to go too far from my roots, I come back to IT. Most (business) problems have a technological solution today/tomorrow. The word “digitalization” is perhaps used too much, but by digitalizing processes and applications, we create a smarter Estonia through smarter IT, and when we have recovered from the bursts of inspiration, we are waiting around the next corner! We help to find and implement these solutions.
Purpose of OIXIO Inspiration Day:
to create a community who inspire each other to make the world smarter.
Smart Leader = Smart Estonia = Better World.
The list of speakers for the first three days of inspiration has been impressive, something that should not be ashamed of even a bigger events with a bigger budget.
- Dr Ralf-Martin Soe, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Keiu Telve, Center for Applied Anthropology
- Ivo Suursoo, Innovation Startup Chamber of the Estonian Employers’ Union
- Andres Haavel, Empowerment Estonia
- Kaarel Ots, Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange
- Ursel Velve, Ülemiste City business district
- Indrek Sabul, Columbus Eesti
- Chris Robbins, Tele2
- Dr Innar Liiv, Tallinn University of Technology
- Tarmo Hõbe, T1 Center and WRC Rally Estonia
- Hando Sutter, Estonian Energy
- Taavi Kotka, Koos.io

What makes the performance of these people especially valuable is that they did not demand fee for their performance, but did it out of a sense of mission, believing that the goal we set – an inspiring community – is indeed achievable.
Thanks everyone!

The Guy Behind the Scenes