Aruba / AMD Pensando praktiline töötuba + labor

Jüri Reitsakas

Tehnoloogiajuht / OIXIO IT AS nõukogu liige

Olete kutsutud osalema OIXIO ja Aruba + AMD Pensando poolt korraldatavale AMD Pensando andmekeskuse lahenduse praktilisse töötuppa.

  1. Kohtvõrgu ja andmekeskuste horisontaal (east-west) liikluse kontroll hajutatud Aruba CX10K/AMD Pensando tulemüüridega.
  2. Lahenduse eelised võrreldes klassikalise sisemise tulemüüriga.
  3. Teooria ja praktiline (hands-on) labor mõistmaks, kuidas seadistada Aruba CX10K/AMD Pensando seadmeid ning saada ülevaade lahenduse toimivusest.

Kohtade arv on piiratud! Laborisse mahub vaid 10 inimest.

20. veebruar 2025, kell 10-16
OIXIO treeningkeskus, Siduri 3, Tallinn
Veerenni Keskus, 2. korrus

Laborit juhivad:

Jüri Reitsakas – OIXIO IT
Benjamin Maze – System Engineer, AMD Pensando

Töötuba sisaldab lõunasööki.

Registreerumisvorm – AMD Pensando hands-on workshop + lab

20. veebruar 2025 OIXIO treeningkeskus, Siduri 3

* tähistatud väljad on kohustuslikud

Soovin osaleda workshop'il*

Lisainfo koolitajatelt

Network Segmentation is the basis to avoid the spread of malware in case of a Cyber attack. A Zero Trust Network is the Goal but hard to achieve as Network visibility is missing, it’s unclear what kind of policies needed and also the cost of traditional Firewall solutions limits the ability to increase Workload Security footprint in the Data Center.

The Aruba CX10000, Powered by AMD, solves these issues. It is the first solution in the market to provide a L4 stateful fabric with a Hardware Firewall build into the Switch. Full visibility of any network traffic, suggestions for policies and the ability to automate Network related workflows are just some of the advantages of a L4 stateful network.

We are happy to invite you to join our hands-on workshop on a new way for Network Security, Stateful L4 Fabrics based on Aruba CX10000 with HPE Aruba and AMD.

Get your “Hands On” CX10000 and learn how to get full Network visibility, build and provision Policies based on this information and learn how to manage a distributed L4 Statetful Network Fabric.

During this half day Hands-On workshop you will learn how to:

  • Design a Distributed L4 Stateful Network based on CX10000
  • Enable full, unsampled Network Telemetry
  • Build a policy based on current Workload Behaviour
  • Push Policy to a distributed set of ToR Switches and Microsegment your Network

and benefit from:

  • Ability to gain full Network visibility and to detect breaches faster
  • Drive down the cost for Network Security
  • Increase your workload Security footprint in DC
  • Enable a higher degree of Automation

More details on the Lab excercise:


During this session you will deploy microsegmentation as part of a distributed services architecture based on the CX 10000 Switch integrated stateful firewall preventing the east-west traffic associated with security threats. You will use Aruba Fabric Composer to orchestrate the network fabric and the stateful policies. In addition, you will integrate AMD Pensando Policy and Services Manager as the intermediary between the CX 10000 switches and Fabric Composer for policy deployment and orchestration.


This hands-on lab is composed of the following activities:

  • Import the CX 10000 switches, and assign them to a new fabric called dsf
  • Create a VSX cluster using both CX 10000 switches
  • Integrate VMware vSphere and AMD Pensando Policy and Services Manager and verify
  • Deploy micro segmentation to apply and enforce a traffic policy between two VMs (Workloads)
  • Test the policy applied between the Workloads