EAS (Estonian Business and Innovation Agency) Cybersecurity Funding Program
The EAS (Estonian Business and Innovation Agency) provides support to small and medium-sized enterprises to map and develop their cyber security level. Together with the RIA, OIXIO supports Estonia’s cyber revolution and the cybersecurity capabilities of enterprises. The amount of the EAS cybersecurity grant is up to € 60,000.
The application round for support for the mapping and development of EAS cyber security level is over. Hopefully there will be a new and even better one…
There were a total of 30 cyber security roadmap implementers in Estonia. OIXIO IT prepared 1/3 of all roadmaps. Thanks to everyone who trusted us as a partner!
As long as the EU and the country do not set a ban, we will support the development of Estonian companies’ cyber security with a 30 percent discount. Ask for an offer!
With the help of an external consultant, Estonian businesses can identify the level of cyber security of their IT systems and make the necessary developments to improve it in order to protect themselves against cyber attacks and the (economic) losses they cause. The support will be implemented in cooperation with the National Information System Authority.
What will change in the company?
- Awareness of cyber threats is increasing
- Clear guidelines for improving cyber security
- Awareness of ways to deal with cyber threats is increasing
For whom?
Support is available to small and medium-sized enterprises registered in the Estonian Commercial Register whose activities fall within the following sections of the EICP: B (mining and quarrying), C (manufacturing), D (electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply), E (water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities), F (construction), G (wholesale and retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles), H (transport and storage), I (accommodation and food service activities), J (information and communication), K (financial and insurance activities), L (real estate activities), M (professional, scientific and technical activities), N (administrative and support service activities), Q (human health and social work activities), R (arts, entertainment and recreation activities).
- Support for mapping and developing cybersecurity levels
- Maximum grant 60 000
- Self-financing 50%
Read more about the measure on the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency website (in estonian)>
Together with the RIA, we support Estonia’s cyber revolution and the cybersecurity level of businesses.
- We can help you prepare an application to EAS
- We carry out a cyber security audit
- Drawing up a cybersecurity roadmap
- Implement the development actions resulting from the roadmap
Cybersecurity Assessment and Development Plan
Cyber threats are the number 1 business risk today
A cyber security audit and maturity assessment of your IT infrastructure provides clarity and a plan, thereby mitigating the risk from cyber threats.
A cyber security audit includes:
- IT and information security documentation;
- management involvement;
- interviews and audits;
- technical scans;
- maturity rating;
- an audit of documentation and a development plan to raise security levels.
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