GPAIS/PPWIS solution

Since 2018, undertakings complying with the concepts of the Producer and/or Importer as set out in the Law on Waste Management of the Republic of Lithuania must perform accounting in the Unified Product, Packaging and Waste Record Keeping Information System (hereinafter – GPAIS/PPWIS).

To help companies adapt to these requirements, we have created a package and/or product accounting and integration tool with the GPAIS/PPWIS system for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central systems (ERP).


The GPAIS solution helps to

Debitoorse võlgnevus, aruandlus

Optimize accounting execution processes.

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Reduce the costs of the working time for responsible personnel.

Debitoorse võlgnevus, aruandlus

Eliminate the risk of possible violations and sanctions.

Product/packaging flows in which the company‘s activities can be carried out and which can be realized using the packaging tool:

  • Oils;
  • Vehicles;
  • Electrical and electronic equipment;
  • Batteries and accumulators;
  • Taxable Products (tyres, non-installed accumulators and batteries, intake air filters of internal combustion engine fuel and lubricants, automotive hydraulic (lubricant) shock absorbers);
  • Item packaging:
    • Single-use packaging filled with products, except for single-use packaging covered by the single-use packaging deposit system;
    • Reusable packaging filled with products, except for reusable packaging covered by the reusable packaging deposit system.

The choice of what to account for as an Item Unit depends on the specifics of the company‘s activities. The tool we have developed enables packaging accounting to be carried out according to the fact, i.e., recording how much specific packaging was used for one shipment of items.

Find our solution on Microsoft AppSource

The solution helps businesses to calculate and report on packaging and waste to GPAIS.

Get it on Microsoft AppSource ženkliukas

Contact Us


Aidas Dilys


Service Team Manager