Financial reporting

What is this month’s turnover? How are sales progressing across business lines and product groups? Are we making a profit? But compared to the budget? And I’d like to see the details! Where is the money coming from anyway and why is it going so fast?
Successful businesses manage their revenues and costs. Set goals and measure their achievement. A financial reporting solution brings the information you need to decision-makers at every level. Automatically!
Every hour, updates on the state of play. Single truth views in general to the individual, down to the details. Intuitively and conveniently. Dynamic and informative. By group, company, department, product line, customer. The current month, the beginning of the year, the beginning of time. Comparisons with targets, forecasts, previous periods. Key indicators and target values.

OIXIO | Juhtimisaruandlus, juhtimisaruandlus, programm, ülevaade

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Management reporting is the monopoly of the financial manager and at the same time the millstone!

Putting the economic results together in a presentable form is a time-consuming monthly task. We are not likely to see ongoing results. It is too labour-intensive to compile information on a product line by product line basis. Detailing is a dream.

Every driver has his own truth

For the meeting, managers arm themselves with Excel spreadsheets presenting the appropriate data in the appropriate way. The decision-making process is successfully bogged down in disputes over whose truth is the real truth!

No place to monitor important metrics

The company’s strategy has key performance indicators. But there is no way to measure and monitor them on an ongoing basis. Often the solution is craft and Excel!

Data are located in different places

Comparisons with targets and previous periods are difficult to make because the data is somewhere in Excel. The reports in the business software only work on the data they contain, but there is important information in other places – for example in other software or files. It is necessary to bring together data from different sources into a single report.


Always there!

Automated management reporting works by itself! All reporting is conveniently just a click away – accessible directly from your web browser. The data is always up-to-date, and the user is presented with the most up-to-date status when opening the report.

One Truth views in general to the individual

Unified and automated data from primary sources. Agreed metrics, target values, reference rules and report views. We can focus on analysing the facts and making decisions.

Monitoring key indicators

The reporting package is the place to monitor agreed metrics, even in real time. Here lies the “one truth” that cannot be disputed.


The reporting package brings together data from different sources. Actual results from accounting software, budgets from excel or OIXIO | Budgeting solution, and so on..

How to make reporting work?

Debitoorse võlgnevus, andmed

1. DATA Agree where we will get the data we need and how the reporting solution will access it.


2. APPLICATION We automate data extraction and transform data into a suitable format for reporting.

Debitoorse võlgnevus, aruandlus

3. REPORTING We make reports available to users. You can make changes or add new reports if you wish.


4. USE An everyday tool for the user, always with the right and fresh information!


See examples of reports in our gallery – click on the image to open it above the screen.

Watch the product video!

A video overview of the possibilities offered by our financial reporting solution

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