OIXIO | Finance Reporting

What is the turnover for this month? How are sales progressing across business areas and product groups? Are we profitable? How are we doing compared to the budget? And I want to see the details! Where is the money coming from, and why is it going so quickly?

Successful companies manage their revenues and expenses. They set goals and measure their achievement. A financial reporting solution delivers the necessary information to decision-makers at every level. Automatically!

Fresh data on the situation every hour. One source of truth, from the big picture down to the last detail. Intuitive and convenient, dynamic and rich with information. View data by group, company, department, product line, or customer. As of current month, year to date, or since the beginning of time. Comparisons with goals, forecasts, and previous periods. Key performance indicators and target values.

OIXIO | Juhtimisaruandlus, juhtimisaruandlus, programm, ülevaade

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Management reporting is both the CFO’s monopoly and a millstone around the neck!

Compiling financial results into a presentation-worthy format is a time-consuming manual task, done every month. Real-time results are rarely visible. Gathering information by business units and product lines is too labor-intensive. Detailed entries remain a distant dream.

Every manager has their own version of the truth

For meetings, managers arm themselves with Excel sheets that present the data in the most convenient way. The decision-making process often grinds to a halt, bogged down in debates over whose version of the truth is the real one!

No centralized place to track key metrics

The company has strategic key performance indicators (KPIs), but there is no way to continuously measure or monitor them. Often, the solution ends up being manual work and Excel!

Data is scattered across different places

Comparing goals with past periods is complicated because the data is somewhere in Excel. The reports within the accounting software only work with the data it contains, but important information also exists elsewhere — such as in other software or files. There is a need to consolidate data from various sources into a single report.


Always accessible!

Automated management reporting works on its own! All reports are conveniently just a click away—accessible directly from the web browser. The data is always up-to-date, and when the report is opened, the user sees the most recent state.

One source of truth, from the big picture to the details

Unified and automated data from original sources. Agreed-upon metrics, target values, comparison rules, and report views. This allows us to focus on analyzing facts and making decisions.

Tracking key performance indicators

The reporting package is the place to monitor agreed-upon metrics, even in real time. Here lies the “one truth,” which is not subject to debate.

Comparison data 

The reporting package brings together data from various sources. Actual results from accounting software, budgets from Excel or OIXIO’s budgeting solution, and so on.

How to set up reporting?

Debitoorse võlgnevus, andmed

1. DATA We agree on where to source the necessary data and how the reporting solution will access it.


2. INTEGRATION We automate data acquisition and transform the data for reporting purposes.

Debitoorse võlgnevus, aruandlus

3. REPORTING We make the reports accessible to users. If needed, modifications can be made, or new reports can be added.


4. USAGE An everyday tool for the user, always providing accurate and up-to-date information.


Check out sample reports in our gallery – click on an image to view it in full screen

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