OIXIO | Baltic Salaries and Human Resources
Payroll and HR is a powerful solution for medium and large companies in the Baltics, built on Microsoft’s latest platform, Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. The solution is complemented by e-state link and employee self-service.
Payroll is based on Microsoft Dynamics Human Resources solution: management of companies, departments, positions and employees; skills, certifications, training and courses, equipment issued to the employee, health checks.
Interface with state institutions’ information systems
Employees, their personal and contract data is added to the solution, and via the x-road data exchange layer, it is possible to register, modify and terminate employment in the Employment register directly from the payroll module. The x-road also enables data exchange with the Health Insurance Fund.
Standardized payroll API
The payroll module is supported by a standardized payroll API with a wide range of functionalities. Interfacing payroll and HR solution with other supporting tools such as Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory), time and attendance solution, training or recruiting solutions, different payroll and HR related processes can be automated and digitized.
Our advantages
- Harmonized and automated workflows and processes, across the Baltics
- Unified structure of data and user interface across the Baltics in a same solutionstreamlined overview and reporting
- End-user support and user interface in local language (EE, LV, LT)
- Interfaces
- a standardized API for interfacing different information systems
- one-time data entry
- reduced amount of manual work
- fewer errors
- more efficient use of working time
- a powerful e-state link
- Bank link
- The team
- Professional payroll & HR solutions across the Baltics. More than 20 dedicated professionals who contribute to the development of the solution on a daily basis.
- More than 20 years of field experience in a team
- We know payroll and HR processes and local legislations.
- The solution is continuously updated with new functionalities and local legislation.
- The monthly payment is based on the size of the company (number of employees) and the number of users.
Click on the image to open the payroll view above the screen
Human resources functionality:
- Visual hierarchy of departments, positions and employees
- Department ID codes usable as financial dimensions in financial accounting
- Job descriptions
- Personal data, contact information, data of dependants
- Contract data, historic data of position and pay rate changes
- Managing absences and vacation balances
- Management of deductions (e.g. bailiff documents, alimony payments, training agreements).
- Management of issued equipment and benefits
- Possibility to add files to a worker card
- Management of skills, acquired certificates and diplomas
- Management of completed trainings and courses
- Managing health checks data
- Management of employee position assignments
- Funded pension query
- There are a number of different reports and queries in the human resources module that enable view and export data entered into the solution, some examples:
- Employees’ birthdays, seniority and probationary periods
- Employee data
- personal data
- contract-related data
- dependants’ data
- employee contact data
- Employee training necessity, which is generated by adding the actual and target skills of the employee.
- Completed trainings, obtained certificates
Payroll functionality:
- Powerful payroll calculation with broad functionality
- Calculations by individual, by group, by department or for the whole company at once.
- Possibility to import fees and detentions
- Tax accounting in accordance with current legislation
- Calculation of leave reserve according to the days of leave earned and the employee’s remuneration, with the possibility of splitting the costs according to the desired financial dimension.
Estonian tax accounting
- Control of the minimum social tax
- Accounting for tax allowances (e.g. persons with reduced work capacity, non-residents)
- Calculation of the minimum income tax exemption (general and for old-age pensioners)
Latvian tax accounting
- EDS file import (employee tax allowances, tax-free amounts, dependent data)
- Calculation of tax-free amounts by type of tax
- Automatic calculation of graduated tax (20% or 23%)
- Accounting for tax allowances (e.g. for disabled persons, absence of a work book, etc.)
- Sodra file import (employee tax differences)
- Calculation of tax-free amounts by type of tax
- Calculation of tax allowances (e.g. for disabled persons, pensioners, etc.)
Estonian tax reports
- TSD as an XML file (see also e-Governance interface)
Latvian tax reports
- Monthly staff movements report as XML file (DNK)
- Monthly income and social tax report as XML file (IIN and VSOI)
- Annual income tax report as XML file (IIN)
Lithuanian tax reports
- Sodra reports as XML files (1-SD, 2-SD, 9-SD, 12-SD, NP-SD, SAM, GPM313, FR0572, FR0573, GPM312, NP-SD2).
- Package of statistical reports
- Different certificates to issue to a worker
- Holiday reserve report
- National reports
- Internal company reports
- e-Governance interface – automatic data exchange with the national information system
- Reminders to email on requested dates or events
- Data export to MS Office Excel for further processing
- Development of additional functionality based on the specific needs of the company
- According to the client’s needs, the payroll module is interfaced with an external time and attendance solution, the main partners being Ektaco AS CompuAccess and Leanest OÜ StaffLogic. See more information about interfaces Interfaces – OIXIO
- The time and attendance software receives the employee data from the payroll module via an interface and sends the hours worked back to the payroll module.
- Alternatively, you can import the hours from a timesheet filled in Excel.
- With the help of the e-Governance interface, all the incapacity for work sheets related to the company’s employees can be read into the payroll module, which in turn allows for the automatic creation of absences and, on the other hand, the completion of incapacity for work sheets directly from the payroll solution.
- Through the employee self-service, employees can submit their leave requests and, once approved by the manager, absences are also forwarded to the payroll department.
Bonuses can be entered into the payroll solution both via the interface and by importing from Excel. Payroll data can be used to generate tax reports (in the EE region, it is possible to transmit data directly to EMTA via the e-Government interface), statistical reports, pay slips and pay slips for employees. Payroll solution data can be used in Power BI reports, this requires the implementation of a reporting solution.
Be sure to check out OIXIO | Employee Self-Service
Employee Self-Service: Convenience and Time Savings at Your Fingertips
The OIXIO Employee Self-Service solution enhances communication between employees and managers, streamlines HR and payroll processes, and ensures that your employee database remains up-to-date.